Metehan Oğuz


I'm a fourth year PhD student at the Linguistics Graduate Program at University of Southern California, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. I am advised by Elsi Kaiser and Travis Major. My research interest is Experimental Syntax and Psycholinguistics with a focus on issues in Turkish. My theoretical interest lies on topics regarding clausal embedding like prolepsis, indexical shift, and perspective shift. In experimental domains, I am interested in interpretation of anaphoric elements and sentence processing.

I currently work as a teaching assistant (TA) for the class In a Word (LING110), taught by Hajime Hoji, and I am a (volunteering) research assistant (RA) at Psycholinguistics of Mono- and Multilingualism Lab (PoMMLab) at USC, working with the principal investigator Zuzanna Fuchs. I am in the organizational committee of University of Southern California Working Papers in Linguistics

I obtained my MA degree in Linguistics from University of Calgary, in Canada. For my MA thesis, I worked on Raising Structures in Turkish under the supervision of Dennis Ryan Storoshenko. I worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for various classes, and as a Research Assistant (RA) at Experimental Syntax Lab at University of Calgary, under the principal investigator Dennis Ryan Storoshenko. 

I got my BA degree in Foreign Language Education (English Language Teaching) at Middle East Technical University (METU), in Turkey, where I discovered my interest in Linguistics!

Current research topics include:

Other than linguistics, I am interested in some sports like soccer, and motorsports. 

Last updated: September 13, 2024